Students who find their own voice in supportive schools are more likely to develop a confident voice, a capacity to act in the world and a willingness to lead others. Student engagement is enhanced when students feel able to exert influence and participate more fully in the classroom, school and community.
At Thornhill Primary School we focus on:
- Promoting and facilitating positive teacher-student relationships
- Promoting student drive, motivation and confidence for learning
- Promoting student leadership and voice
- Supporting student participation in school decision making
- Supporting student confidence in learning and achievement.
We do this by:
- Consulting with students and giving and receiving feedback on classroom practices.
- Modifying practices to accommodate the needs of all students and building a positive class culture that values the voice of all students.
- Regularly seeking feedback from students about the extent of their learning and support students to take on leadership responsibilities within the school and community by:
- Applying for a position in the senior (grades 5 & 6) Student Leadership Team; who are expected to be ambassadors and embody our school values
- empowering students to organise a Student Representative Council (SRC) that has a clear vision and mission, and clearly defined roles and responsibilities which are agreed between the leadership team and the student body
- ensuring opportunities are provided for students to give feedback in each class
- Provide students with the support and tools to understand the impact of their involvement on learning outcomes and to reflect on, discuss and influence their own learning by:
- building strong relationships and rapport between all students and teachers
- providing students with the tools and skills to enable them to build confidence and a positive sense of self-worth.
Student Leaders 2024