How to Enrol

Starting primary school

Starting school is an exciting time for children, parents, and carers.

The first year of primary school is called Foundation or Prep.

Enrolling for Prep (Foundation) 2025

Foundation enrolment commences in the year prior to children starting school. Children enrolling in Victorian schools must turn 5 years old by 30th April in the year of entry and are usually enrolled in the year prior to their commencement (the pre-school/kinder year).

Schooling is compulsory for children who have turned 6 years old.    

‘2025 Foundation Expression of Interest’ Applications have now closed.  Please contact the school office on (03) 8764 3990 for late enrolments.

How to Enrol Your Child at Thornhill Park PS

Our school follows the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy for the enrolment, placement, and transfer of students.

At Thornhill Park Primary School we welcome all families to submit an enrolment who reside within our designated neighbourhood area. 

As per the Department of Education regulations, public schools can only accept enrolments from students residing within their specific zones.

To identify the primary school within your zone, please visit:

What you need to do to enrol:

Please complete the following forms:

  1. Thornhill Park Enrolment form (please fill-in all sections. If not applicable, write N/A)
  2. Enrolment Documents Checklist (please tick or cross)
  3. Permissions Consent Requirements (please complete and sign)

If you are unable to complete your child’s enrolment online, please print the enrolment form and complete it by hand. Alternatively, you can collect a copy from our school office. 

Scan or photocopy the following supporting documentation:

  • Proof of Birth – The child’s birth certificate or extract of birth (original or certified copy) or passport – MANDATORY
  • Proof of Residency – contract of sale, rates notice or a signed lease agreement – MANDATORY
  • Primary Adult’s Identification – MANDATORY
  • School Entry Immunisation History Statement that shows 4-year-old Immunisation – MANDATORY
  • Information related to any Family Court or intervention orders, if relevant.
  • Visa Documentation (if you are not an Australian citizen).
  • Details of an asthma plan or information related to allergies and anaphylaxis, if relevant.
  • Any other relevant information which will assist us in having a successful school start for your child.

What happens next:

  1. Submit the enrolment forms and additional required documents.
  2. You will receive an enrolment confirmation via email with your child’s starting date.


If you have any questions or would like to book a School Tour, please contact the office on (03) 8764 3990.

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