Thornhill Park Primary School ensures a strong commitment to Student Wellbeing that is founded on a positive school culture. Children feel valued, safe and secure in the school surroundings. Children are provided with meaningful opportunities to contribute to the school, they are encouraged to have a voice and supported to meet their personal and educational potential.
As a school we are committed to providing a consistent whole school approach to student wellbeing. We foster a culture where personal responsibility, independence, resilience and self-regulation are developed.
At TPPS we are taught our school values of Respect, Integrity, Persistence and Wellbeing and promote an understanding of the importance taking responsibility for our actions. As a whole school community, we model appropriate behaviours and focus on a positive mind set. We plan for behaviours and believe in collective responsibility for every child in the school. We explicitly teach children to be socially and emotionally competent. We strive to deliver stimulating classroom and specialist programs that ensure our students are fully engaged. We are focused on identifying talents, accepting differences to effectively meet the children’s diverse learning needs.
Our wellbeing team support our students at their point of need. We ensure we use a broad range of strategies and supports to enable our students to achieve the best possible outcomes. The team is made up of wellbeing leading teachers, a student welfare officer, Student & Community Engagement and Student Mentor & Guidance. The team works with students and families in a variety of ways based on their individual needs. We also work closely with specialists and allied health professionals to complement student support.