Principal’s Message

We are accelerating towards the end of Term 3 with many exciting events taking place over the next few weeks.

Book Week

We will have our first ever Book Week Parade on Friday 25th August at 9am.  We are excited to see the many costumes that students will wear to celebrate this occasion.  Parents are most welcome to attend the parade.  Our students will also be participating in a live show in our gym based on the book ‘Jorn’s Magnificent Imagination,’ which is a shortlisted book in the 2023 Children’s Book Awards.  Further to these two exciting events, we will be holding a Book Fair in our Wellbeing space.  It promises to be a wonderful week.


We are super excited that our canteen will be opening this coming Tuesday 22nd August.  There will be counter service at recess and lunch time every Tuesday and Thursday.  You can order meals up to 4 weeks in advance using the QuickCliq App.  Check out the posters around the school or head to Class Dojo or Compass to see the menu.  We are still in the process of putting in a coffee machine, so we will let you know when this service will be available.


We have received our first 4 relocatable buildings to increase the capacity of our school.  These buildings are a welcome addition and will provide us with enough space to cater for the continued growth of Thornhill Park Primary School.  They are now ready for use.


Our current enrolment for 2024 is around 405 at this stage.  We are expecting a number of new students to attend our school next year either as Preps or from other schools, where people are moving into the area or are perhaps moving their children to our school after having them at other local schools, but they reside within our zone.  We welcome all new enrolments and would appreciate if you spread the word within the community to ensure we are able to adequately staff any sharp increases in enrolments.  Enrolment forms are available online or at the front office.

Matildas and our School Values

I’m sure many of you have been watching the Fifa Women’s World Cup with interest.  As someone who comes from a footballing family where my sisters and mother all played when I was younger and I coach a girl’s Under 16 team, I am not surprised by the efforts of the Matildas.  It has been a long time in the making.  It is a shame that they couldn’t make it to their first World Cup Final, however they have showed amazing persistence and resilience by getting to this point in the tournament after losing early on and having to endure a grueling penalty shoot out.  The players have given their all and remained respectful of their opposition by showing dignity in defeat and by congratulating the winners, whilst also consoling those who they have beaten thus ensuring their opposition’s wellbeing.  The team has shown remarkable integrity by representing their country with pride , despite the pressure that they must feel.  They have tanked the crowd after each game and have tried their best.  There are huge lessons to be learnt from this experience.  Australia has come together to support a team of wonderful individuals who have given their all to represent their country, their families and themselves.  Go Matildas!


A reminder that Term 4 is once again a term where hats are required.  Please ensure your child has a school hat with their name on it.  Hats are available from Dobsons.

Hoodies – issues

We have noticed that the logos have been coming off some of the hoodies that students are wearing to school.   If you are not satisfied with the logo on your hoodie and think that it is falling off, we would ask that you take the hoodie to Dobsons and they will endeavour to put a new logo on your child’s top.  I would appreciate any feedback you have on any uniform items because I keep in constant contact with the uniform supplier and want to ensure our uniform remains at a high quality standard.


On Thursday 17th August, we had out first ever students competing in the District Athletics at Cobblebank Athletics track.  We are sure our students had a great day and represented our school with pride.


Please ensure that your children wear a helmet when riding a bike to school.  There are far too many students putting themselves at risk by not wearing helmets to school, not to mention that wearing a helmet when riding a bike is a law in Victoria.


We still have a number of parents parking in the ‘drop off’ zones at the front of the school.  Please observe the signs to assist in traffic flow.  It is not essential for you to park at the very front of the school to pick up your children if you have a clear routine for pick up and drop off.  Failure to follow signs can result in hefty fines from the Melton Council.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Darryl Spiteri


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