Principal’s Message

We’ve had a busy start to term 3 with the celebration of our 100 days of Prep and 100 days as a school.  It is wonderful to see how far we have come as a school community in such a short space of time and I am truly proud of the efforts and achievements of all of our teachers, students and the wider community.  Let’s keep up the good work.


We are up to nearly 400 students for 2024 and growing quickly.  We know that there are still a bunch of Preps who are yet to enrol for next year, so we would encourage you to do so as quickly as possible to engage with our Prep programs in term 4.  Our recruiting for the new year has started and we need our numbers to be solid, so that we are able to staff according to the needs of our school.  If you have enrolled a Prep for next year, you should have received a letter confirming enrolment and to outline our transition dates.

Gym hire

People have been asking to hire at gym space at different times.  We still have lots of after school spaces available, so if you have a sport or business that needs somewhere to operate either after school or on weekends, I would encourage you to contact the office and speak to Jo for more information.  We want to encourage as many community groups to use our space as possible, so that we can provide opportunities for the students at our school and surrounding schools.

100 days of school

It was wonderful to see all of our Preps and Prep Teachers dressing up as 100 year old people for our 100 days of Prep celebration.  Students participated in a number of fun activities linked to the number 100 and had a great time over the course of the day.  We thank all the parents who took the time to dress their children up in costumes so that they could embrace the day.


An update on our relocatables.  We have now received 4 new relocatable buildings at the rear of our school.  These are currently being connected to services and fitted out for use.  They should be ready for use in the next 3 weeks.  These buildings provide us with an additional 6 classroom teaching spaces and an additional art room.  We are hoping to receive further buildings to accommodate our growth by the end of the year.  I thank everyone for your flexibility with any inconvenience caused by this installation.

Year 6 fundraisers

Over the next few months, we will try to raise money for our Year 6 students so that they may have a series of activities to do at the end of the year to celebrate the end of their primary School years.  We would ask all families to participate in any fundraisers that may occur to enable this to happen.

Lunches and packaged food

We’ve noticed that several children have been dropping their rubbish all over the school grounds during lunch times.  Most of the rubbish is from processed foods or juice boxes.  Please speak with your children about the appropriate disposal of these items as it helps to keep our school looking good.

Principal’s Day

Today is annual World Principal’s Day.  It is an honour to be the principal of this school and I appreciate all the staff, students and community who help to make my role enjoyable.  I wouldn’t really want to be doing anything else!  I also wish Mrs Pittman a happy Principal’s Day in what is her first as a member of the Principal class.  She has been an amazing support to me and all in the community and I think you would agree that she is doing a wonderful job in helping this school to be as awesome as it is.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Darryl Spiteri


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