Principal’s Message

We are fast approaching the end of winter and moving into some warmer weather.  It has been wonderful to see all of our students participating in our Olympics Day today and we thank the organising committee for your work in making this happen.


Please ensure that if you have a child starting in Prep in 2025 that you fill in an enrolment form at the office as soon as possible.  We would also ask that you speak with Mrs Payton if your child has additional needs and is in need of extra assistance when moving into school in 2025.  We will be starting our transition programs for these children soon.  We are currently at over 630 enrolments for 2025 and expect well in excess of 750, so please get your enrolments in now to enable us to employ accordingly.


A reminder that uniform is compulsory at Thornhill Park Primary School.  Please ensure that all students are wearing the school polo and any of the jumpers or jackets that have the school logo on them.  The colour of our pants is navy blue.  I have seen many children wearing black.  This is not our colour.  Jeans are also not a part of our uniform.  Most people do a fabulous job in ensuring all of our children look like they are a part of our wonderful community.

Play areas and yard duty

Please speak with your children about the dangers of playing behind buildings and unsupervised areas of the school.  We do our best to ensure students are all in a visible line of sight with all teachers, however often students will take short cuts behind buildings or hide in theses spaces as they ae out of bounds and students wouldn’t be looking there.  We are working on getting some higher fencing around the perimeter of the school to assist with this problem, but it is reasonable to suggest that students are very safe onsite if they can be seen by staff.  We have at least 8 adults outside every play who are wearing high visibility vests.  These staff members keep a very close eye on proceedings and are always available if there is an issue.  Our school is a very safe space and our students are wonderful at interacting kindly and considerately with each other.  We are very proud of this.

Parking and crossing the road

As always, it has come to my attention that people are not doing the right thing when picking up their children each afternoon.  Can I please reiterate that you are role models for your children and your behaviours with crossing the road, following the road rules and exercising patience when waiting for people to pick up their children in the afternoon is appreciated and expected.

Zoo Excursion

Our Year 1/2 students attended the zoo last week and had an amazing time.  A huge thank you to the teachers and parents who organised and attended the excursion and also to the students who represented our school well.  We look forward to future excursions and teaching our students how to be great citizens in public spaces.

Olympics Day

A wonderful Olympics Day was organised by our student leaders and a dedicated group of teachers.  We thank them for the marvellous memories created and hope that it helps people to remember Australia’s greatest Olympic campaign ever.


Have a wonderful weekend

Darryl Spiteri

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