Hello everyone,
We are quickly approaching the middle of Term 4.
Curriculum Day and Public Holiday
Monday will be a Curriculum day before the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. Teachers will be doing Professional Learning at school on this day and children are not to come to school.
Community Event
I want to thank all those who organised and attended our first ever Community Night and movie. Given it was the first time this occurred we had to ensure that we tested our processes and developed a strategy for future events. We thank you all for your patience and know that we need to look at ways to speed up popcorn and fairy floss creation, whilst also ensuring that there are no children running around the venue during the movie, as it affects the enjoyment for others. This was a wonderful first attempt at this and we raised over $500 for our year 6s for their end of year activities. We will run future events next year for those of you who missed out this time.
Prep Transition
We have had three Prep transition sessions so far this year with our last one to be held on Tuesday December 12th as part of our whole school Step Up Day. These sessions have been extremely valuable in helping us to understand the needs of these children and to place them carefully in classes for next year. We make every effort to ensure we are taking into consideration things such as previous connections with students from kindergartens. We cannot always accommodate parent requests to place students together as there are number of factors to consider. Our main aim at school is to ensure that children can adapt to a range of situations and develop some independence, whilst developing their academic ability. Making new friends is part of this process.
Congratulations to our students who represented the school in rugby. Mr Ford reports that the students played with an amazing spirit and represented our school with pride and respect. Our girls team finished the day undefeated, which holds us in good stead for future competitions. Thank you to Mr Ford for organising this event.
Truck detour
Please be mindful that there are an unusually high number of trucks passing through Baxterpark Dve at the moment due to road closures. Please ensure you are using our crossings and parking in designated parking areas when picking up or dropping off your children , with this increased risk.
Issues outside of school hours
Please speak with your children about their role in maintaining our values of respect and integrity whilst online after hours or when playing in the local parks. We do our best to manage situations during school hours, but most situations that we are dealing with at the moment are due to incidents that are occurring after hours at the park or as a result of less than respectful online interactions. I encourage you to call the police if something occurs out of school hours that needs immediate attention or affects the safety of your child at home.
Enjoy your week
Darryl Spiteri