Our Learning in Specialists

Visual Arts 

The students in Grades One and Two have been exploring the work of French artist, Henri Matisse.

They have created some interesting ‘cutouts’ based on Matisse’s shape work using paper.

The students created their own shapes and then glued them onto paper to form a unique design.

These wonderful creations will be on display at the Art Show on the 6th September. 

During Visual Art this week, the Grade 3/4 students have been exploring the work of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.

The students created their own portrait of Frida Kahlo. They drew the portrait first using grey pencil, then they outlined the design using a black permanent marker and finally they used watercolour paints to include the vibrant colours Frida used in her art.

These amazing portraits will be on display at our Art Show on the 6th September from 2.00-6.00pm.

Physical Education

Throughout this term in PE, our Prep students have been developing various skills in gymnastics. There has been a focus on movement to music, landing safely and balancing. We have been learning how to work with a partner or small group to complete movement challenges.

Mr. Ford & Mr. Luca


In STEM, year 5/6 students have been learning about the power of the wind. This week they have used their knowledge to design and build a wind powered machine.

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