Our Learning

Our Learning in Year 1 & 2


This term in Writing , we are focusing on recounts and the features of writing a sentence, especially what a sentence contains such as subject, verb, capital letter, finger spaces etc. Our students have been identifying the different types of sentences and ways we can enhance our writing to make it more entertaining for the reader. We will be following the writing process, from brainstorming and drafting to editing and publishing. Students will be writing recounts on various activities that they will complete during school hours, including visiting local parks and their participation in specialist subjects.

In Reading, students will be focusing on building our independent reading stamina and our love of reading! By exploring a range of texts, our students will be able to begin making connections and preferences to the books they enjoy the most. Our students will add to their decoding strategies so that they are able to read a wider range of words and texts. We will learn to read with increasing fluency to help our understanding. To help our comprehension skills, students will learn about how to visualise while reading to build understanding. 

Numeracy  (Place Value, Length & Mass)


Recently students have been learning to read and write numbers, specifically two, three and four digit numbers,  as well as represent them with different types of materials. Students have been identifying the place value of a given digit and have used this knowledge to practice ordering numbers. They have consolidated their understanding of odd and even numbers as well as numbers that come before and after. Students have enjoyed developing their number fluency playing games such as Mastermind and Race to 100. 

We have been practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to build on our counting skills, as well as the ability to start from different starting points other than 0 when counting forwards and backwards. 


Later this term students will shift their focus to measurement – specifically length and mass. We will practice measuring items in our classrooms and focus on the language being used when discussing these topics. 

When focusing on Length, students will develop their measuring skills beginning with informal units such as counters and popsicle sticks then moving to centimeters. They will work to improve their accuracy when measuring items and compare the length of objects and practice ordering them from shortest to longest. When focusing on Mass, students will develop their hefting skills which is the ability to hold two different items and explain which is heavier. 


As part of our Inquiry focus this term, students have been learning about our four school values of Respect, Integrity, Persistence and Wellbeing. Students have also been introduced to our School Wide Matrix, which clearly outlines expected behaviours in different settings around our school. 

Through our unit, ‘We Belong’ students have had an opportunity to learn about how to stay healthy, how to make and keep friends, family, teamwork and our community.

Swimming and water safety 

As an important part of the curriculum, students have attended swimming lessons over the past two weeks. They have been taught basic skills to increase their confidence around water, and some beginning swimming skills to keep them safe. Some of the skills students have acquired are what to do in an emergency situation around water, age appropriate rescue techniques, how to recognise signs and dangers around different water sources, and the recovery position. Those unable to attend the swimming program received lessons aligned with water safety. 

It was also a wonderful experience and a fantastic opportunity for students to practise their independence! We are very proud of and impressed by the 1/2 cohort!  

Home Reading

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge and thank you for your dedication to supporting your child’s reading at home. Reading together not only strengthens your child’s literacy skills but also fosters a love for reading that will last a lifetime. The time and effort you invest in encouraging your child to read and engage with their Take Home Readers is invaluable and has a significant impact on their progress and confidence as readers.

We understand that life can be busy, and we truly appreciate the commitment you have shown in making reading a priority in your family’s routine. Your partnership in your child’s education is vital, and we are grateful for your continued support.  

Yours Sincerely 

The Grade 1/2 Team


Our Learning in Visual Arts

During the past week in Visual Arts, the Grade 5/6 students have been creating a detailed hand-print that incorporated the use of line, shape, pattern and colour. The students were engaged in their learning as they developed these amazing skills.

Art Room request: Please ensure that your child has an art smock or old shirt available to wear during art lessons especially when we begin painting.

Thanks for your support,

Victor Pody and Sally Shoebridge.



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