
Introducing the School Leaders

Year 5 & 6 Class Captains

Hi, my name is Chiqueeta.  I’m the class captain of 5/6A.  I go to SRC (School Representative Council) meetings to help and plan out fun activities like discos, lolly jar competition, and colouring.  I enjoy being a class captain because I get a say in school activities and get to speak at assembly.  I like playing basketball with my friends.  My favourite subject is P.E. and Art and I enjoy taking part in any sports.

Chiqueeta, 5/6A 


Hello, my name is Jasmeen and I am the class captain of 5/6B.  I am currently in year 6.  Being class captain makes me feel like I am capable of doing things.  In my free time I enjoy playing sports such as netball, drawing and playing games.  I really enjoy doing leadership jobs.  As a class captain following all our school’s values is very important.  Leaders should be Respectful, Responsible, Wellbeing and you should show Integrity.  Thank you so much for reading my speech about being class captain.  I hope you have a magnificent day.

Jasmeen, 5/6B 


Hello! My name is Sophia, I’m the new classroom 56C class captain and in grade 6. You may know me from the school YouTube video, being in the school Band or even the tall girl that does the screen in assembly. I love any subject in school and when I’m home I love to binge on Disney+, talk to my friends, drawing/sketching and sleeping. You’ll find me at the back of the soccer pitch talking to my friends, getting hugged by my prep-2 friends, in the classroom at band or setting up the assembly. I love being at the school due to the fun activities that my teachers set up and the enjoyable breaks we have. I hope you enjoy the rest of the school year!

Sophia, 5/6C  


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