Physical Education

Students at Thornhill Park Primary School engage in a range of activities during Physical Education to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give children the confidence and motivation to lead active and healthy lives.

Each student participates in a 60 minute weekly lesson, with the students in Years 3 to 6 also participating in an additional 60 minutes of sport.

Students will be exposed to a variety of sports and have access to experts in these sports, through the implementation of the Sporting Schools Program and the Positive Start Program.

Reminder – All Children are to wear their runners on their Phys. Ed. / Sport Day and have a drink bottle filled with water. (No glass please)

Hats may be needed to be worn to some PE and sport sessions during first and fourth terms.


Fundamental Movement Skills (Running, Jumping, Throwing, Catching, Kicking, Jumping, Locomotion and Striking) underpin the foundation of the program from Prep to Year 2, with the progression to specific sporting skills. Correct technique will be taught, and a range of equipment will be used to practice and execute the actions. Students will be introduced to a range of minor games, where they can put their skills into place.

The students will learn the routines of Physical Education and how to play cooperative games. The emphasis will be on working with others, communicating with words, safe and fair play, understanding boundaries, taking turns and sharing equipment.

Year 1/2

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) (Running, Jumping, Throwing, Catching, Kicking, Jumping, Locomotion and Striking) will be extended in Year 1 and 2, with the progression to specific sporting skills. In year 1 and 2 more complex FMS skills will be introduced (Punt Kick, 2 Hand Side Arm Strike and Dodge) Correct technique will be taught, and a range of equipment will be used to practice and execute the actions. Students will be introduced to a range of minor games, where they can put their skills into place, work as a team and start to think about strategy when playing these games. We will also have a focus on following the rules of games and how to play fair.

Year 3/4

In Years 3 to 6 Fundamental Motor Skills reinforce the skills required to learn and participate in minor and major games. These encompass teamwork, game sense, strategy and assist in developing confidence.

Students will be introduced to a variety of sports which will be broken into striking and fielding sports, net and wall sports, throw and catch sports, and invasion games. They will be taught game sense, moving to space, the roll of a defender and an attacker and using strategy when in a game situation. 

Throughout the course of the year students will have the opportunity to represent their House in events such as Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming. With successful students going onto represent the school at Interschool Carnivals.

Year 5/6

In Years 3 to 6 Fundamental Motor Skills reinforce the skills required to learn and participate in minor and major games. These encompass teamwork, game sense, strategy and assist in developing confidence.

Students will be introduced to a variety of sports which will be broken into striking and fielding sports, net and wall sports, throwing and catching sports, and a variety of invasion games. They will be taught game sense, moving to space, attacking and defensive strategies, as well as specific skills and will attempt to participate in game simulations where students can showcase their new skills in a team setting. 

Throughout the course of the year students will have the opportunity to represent their House in events such as Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming. With successful students going onto represent the school at Interschool Carnivals.

Year 5/6 students will have the opportunity to try out for Summer and Winter Sports teams, where selected students will compete in Lightening Premiership Days against other schools in the District.

On our return to onsite learning students will be introduced to a variety of Net Games such as Badminton and Volleyball.

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