2024 Enrolments
A reminder if you are enrolling your child next year at Thornhill Park Primary School, or you know of someone wanting to enrol their child, please email thornhill.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au to request an enrolment form. We would appreciate enrolments being submitted by Friday 28th July.
Cold Weather and Student Illness
The weather is getting colder as we enter winter. We have noticed an increase in both teacher and student illness. We ask if parents could ensure that their children are well enough to learn if they are sent to school. It is very difficult for children to focus on their learning if they have severe coughs, running noses or just generally feel ill. Sending sick children to school also runs the risk of making the other children and teacher in the classroom sick as well. Lastly, please ensure the office has your correct contact details. We have called some parents to pick up ill children and we have old or incorrect contact details. Please update your contact details via Compass.
Spare Clothing
Please pack some spare clothing for your children. With the wetter weather upon us, many children are coming to the sickbay at recess and lunch wet or muddy. We have a limited amount of clothing in sick bay, and cannot always give children spare clothing. If your child is excessively wet and muddy you will be contacted and asked to bring in a change of clothes.
Lost Property
A reminder that students are responsible for their own belongings. Please put name labels on all clothing items, jackets, lunchboxes and drink bottles to prevent loss and reduce waste. Some important reminders to all parents regarding lost property:
- Please label all clothing that comes to school! If items came labelled to school our mountain of lost property would be much more manageable.
- If your child doesn’t bring home an item of clothing, please ask their teacher or come to the office to check our lost property box.
- Any items that haven’t been claimed from lost property by (the last Monday of term) will be placed in our ‘second hand’ uniform box.