From the Office

Colour Fun Run

On Friday the 10th of November Thornhill Park Primary School will be holding our very first Colour Fun Run. This will be a major fundraiser for the school with all funds received going back into the purchase of resources and equipment.

Included in the entry fee:

  • Participation in the fun run where students will get sprayed with water and coloured powder thrown over them.
  • A pair of bright sunglasses and a headband.


  • All students have been sent home with a sponsorship form.
  • They are asked, if possible, to get sponsorships from family, friends, neighbours, parents colleagues etc. in order to support our school.
  • Students will be rewarded with a prize for their fundraising efforts. Once they have a total amount raised, they will need to choose a prize from that prize bracket on the sponsorship form. Students will rank their preferences from 1 to 4, but will only receive 1 prize.
  • If there are siblings who would like to pool their donations to receive a better prize they can do that too.
  • Sponsorship forms and money (all should contain your child’s name and class) should be returned to the classroom teacher by Wednesday 8th November.

Protecting against mosquito-borne diseases

Victoria’s mosquito season started this month and will extend to late April 2024.

Warm and wet weather can result in greater numbers of mosquitoes and increased risk of illnesses from mosquito bites. While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make people sick.

The best protection against mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquito bites.

Families can protect against mosquito bites by:

  • covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
  • applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
  • limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.

To reduce the risk of illness linked to mosquitos, such as Buruli ulcer, promptly wash any new scratches or cuts with soap and clean water and apply a topical antiseptic and dressing.

Families with any health concerns should see their doctor or phone NURSE-ON-CALL: 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours).

Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines

Japanese encephalitis virus is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes and can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain.

Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines are available to protect Victorians at higher risk of the virus.

The Victorian Department of Health encourages eligible people who live or work in high-risk local government areas to get vaccinated ahead of summer, which brings an increased mosquito presence.

For more information, including what is considered a high risk area and eligibility for a free vaccine, refer to the Department of Health’s Japanese encephalitis webpage.

Find out more

For more information on protecting against mosquito-borne diseases, families can refer to the following Better Health Channel pages:



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