From the Office


A reminder that when students return on-site next term, they’ll be required to wear their hats for outdoor activities, this includes recess, lunch and Physical Education lessons. (From September 1st – April 30th is when the average UV alert is 3 and above.) The holidays may be a good time to check children’s school bags or wardrobes for hats.

Prepare for Summer and Thunderstorm Asthma Season

There are important steps that can be taken to ensure students are sun smart and safe at school. UV radiation is at its highest from mid-August to April and peaks during school hours. Schools are required to have measures in place to manage extreme heat and provide sun and UV protection. Extreme heat or a heatwave is a period of unusual and uncomfortable hot weather that can negatively affect health.
Asthma and hay fever symptoms increase every year between October and December. There is also the chance of an epidemic thunderstorm asthma event during grass pollen season. Increased risk of thunderstorm asthma can occur in people with:
• Asthma
• A past history of asthma
• Undiagnosed asthma
• Hay fever, who may not have asthma
• Poor control and self-management of asthma
To be sun smart and safe there are three important steps to take. These are:
1. Extreme heat and sun protection (hats, sunscreen, clothing, drink water, be outdoor in the coolest part of the day).
2. Thunderstorm asthma preparation (asthma medication easily accessible, avoid outside between October and December
especially if windy; asthma action plans and allergy plans if required,
3. Thunderstorm asthma event alerts (subscribe to the Prepare and Get Ready – Victoria Emergency to receive warnings; emergency response procedures and following individual asthma action plans as needed.)

Updating Student Information

It is important that the school maintain an accurate and up to date record of family/carers email, home addresses and telephone numbers for all children. Please notify the school immediately with changes to your contact details by sending an email, or phone 8764 3990

Students leaving or intending to enrol

It’s that time of the year when families and schools are planning for the next year. If your child will not be at Thornhill Park PS next year, can you please email the school.  This will help guide us for our workforce planning.
Likewise, if you have or know of a child who intends to enrol in our school, can you please enrol as soon as possible.

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