Our Learning

Our Learning in Years 1 & 2

The Melbourne Zoo Excursion

On Friday 2nd August the Grade 1/2s attended the Melbourne Zoo for a fun and exciting visit. The students had an opportunity to learn about animals and see them in their habitats. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed exploring the zoo and listening to the zookeeper talks. Students connected what they have been learning in class to what they saw. They loved seeing the elephants, giraffes, meerkats, seals, butterflies and monkeys and much more. 

Our Water Incursion

On Tuesday the 13th August the Grade 1/2s had a visit from  Greater Western Water. We learnt all about the water cycle, from precipitation to clouds, sun and rain. They interacted with stories such as Donna the Water Droplet  and sang songs. Students  drew, wrote and acted out what we learnt. All students had a great time and learnt valuable information like how water can be a solid, liquid and a gas!

The Mini Olympics 

Thornhill Park Primary School Students were very excited to take part in the school’s mini Olympics  on the 9th of August. Students competed in various events,  including the parachute, jumping sack races, hula hoops, a chicken relay and so much more! We especially enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and having fun!

Grade 1s and 2s also took part in a separate Potato Olympics. Students decorated a potato and made an athlete who competed in different activities, such as rolling races and balancing. 


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