School News

Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria. This year Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Sunday 14 May to Saturday 20 May. To find out more, visit the Education Week 2023 website. This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, which celebrates physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education. […]

Congratulations to the following students who are celebrating a birthday in May and June! We hope you had a lovely day! Harnoor 56B Franchesca 12D Lineesh PD Mia 56B Satgun PA Rajvir PA Anaiah PC Traliyah 34A Joshua 34B Lucas 12A Dyuthika 12D Avah PA Jesiah 34B Preeya 34A Perez 12C Hassnain 12D Jashanpreet [Jashan] […]
Mental Health & Wellbeing

BULLYING IS NEVER OK What is bullying? Bullying can happen at school, at home or online. It is never okay and it is not a normal part of growing up. There is a new nationally agreed definition of bullying which all Australian schools now use: Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in […]
Our Learning

Our Learning…. in Grade 3/4 Maths We have been learning about whole number. Students have been participating in a variety of activities to revise their knowledge of place value and how we can use it to partition and rename numbers. Students have been highly engaged in hands on activities using MABs. They have been identifying […]
Community News

Principal’s Message

We are accelerating towards the midway point in the year and lots of exciting things are happening here at Thornhill Park PS. Our Year 6 students now have their special uniforms and are about to participate in a range of interschool sport activities. Our 2024 Preps are starting to enrol and we are making contact […]

Introducing the School Leaders Blue House Captains for 2023 My name is Genesis and I am the Blue House Captain. My favourite things about being a house captain is that you can lead activities for special events, and you get to have fun when leading one of the activities. My favourite session is P.E. because […]
Important Dates

School Term 2 Monday 24 April 2023 – Friday 23 June 2023 Thursday 8th June – Lightening Premiership – Tee Ball and Netball Monday 12th June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday Friday 16th June – Year 1/2 Melbourne Museum Excursion Friday 23rd June – Last Day of term (early dismissal at 2.30pm) School Term 3 […]
From the Office

Late Starts and Early Departures Sometimes your child will need to start late or leave school early (e.g.: for a medical appointment). If you need to drop off your children late then bring them to the main school office directly so that you can sign them in. If you need to pick your children up […]
Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who received awards during our assemblies! Keep up the great work! Students of the Week – Ending 26/05 CLASS TEACHER STUDENT Prep A Mrs Nicoll Elijah E Prep B Miss Belovitch Harman A Prep C Miss Thomas Aarika S Prep D Miss Leslie Lineesh N Class 12A Mrs Scott Navroop […]