Thornhill Park PS Newsletter Issue #5, 2024
26th April 2024
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Term 2 is well underway and our students have gotten straight into their learning. Our Year 5/6 students participated in an incursion relating to Government, which was very well received and by all accounts our students displayed our values in an exemplary manner. We have just had a 4 day weekend to commemorate ANZAC Day and to enable teachers to improve their classroom practice and curriculum knowledge with a Curriculum Day on Friday. We hope your children return refreshed on Monday.
New Staff
We’d like to welcome Tam Tuaoi, Alaa Hussein, Gurinder Kaur and Nalia Le Farrell to our staff. Tam will be assisting with student engagement. Alaa and Gurinder will be working as Education Support staff and Nalia will be our New Office Manager working with Kate, Jade and Jo. We hope you will make them feel welcome.
We have a couple of camps coming up later this year for our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 students. Camps will run for 3 days and 2 nights. Our Year 3/4s are travelling to the Lady Northcote Camp and our Year 5/6s will attend Weekaway. This is the first time we will be sending students to camp, so we are hoping that most will go. More information will be sent out soon on Compass and you will need to pay a deposit to hold your child’s place.
Parking and dangerous behaviour at the front of the school
I have asked on several occasions that parents consider the safety of the students at Thornhill Park PS by ensuring you do not park in the pick up and drop off bays or further along on the road during school pick up and drop off. I am seeing some very dangerous behaviour where parents are performing U-Turns in front of the school whilst people are driving the other way, people double parking or opening car doors in the middle of the road. I am also seeing parents overtake people who are waiting patiently to pick up their children as the drop off becomes vacant. I am also seeing many parents not using the designated crossings or holding the hands of young children when crossing our roads. Due to impatience from people who may not be connected to our school in trucks and the like, there is an increased risk of erratic driving behaviour that could cause one of our children to be struck by a car. Please take that extra couple of seconds to do the right thing and cross at the appropriate places or park your car in one of the many spaces situated in the streets around the school.
Beanies are available from the front office. They are only available at our office and you cannot get them at Dobsons. They are $15 each.
Uniform and school photos
We will be having school photos in the first couple of weeks of May and we expect all of our students in full school uniform every day and especially on this day. I am noticing that most of our students are wearing the correct uniform, which is very pleasing. We do, however have quite a few students who are wearing random jumpers and jackets. I also notice that some students often wear jeans or black tracksuit pants, which are not part of our uniform. We expect all students to be wearing navy blue pants or shorts with no branding present. This is not negotiable. Tops need to be either our Bomber Jacket, Hoodie or Windcheater with our School Logo. Wet weather jackets and parkas are permitted to be worn to and from school and outside on cold days. They are not to be worn in class. There is a winter and a summer school dress. Students are permitted to wear a long sleeve navy or light blue skivvy or a school polo under these dresses. Hijabs and patkas/turbans need to be either navy blue or light blue. Students can wear gloves or mittens if they are cold, but need to remove these in the classroom. All of our classrooms are heated. Please ensure your child’s name is clearly labelled on all uniform items. Sometimes writing in a texta on the label becomes smudged and difficult to read, so please ensure you are mindful of this when labelling your items. There are too many items being handed into lost property that still do not have names on them.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Darryl Spiteri
The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is a nationwide data collection of early childhood development at the time children commence their first year of full-time school. The AEDC highlights what is working well and what needs to be improved or developed to support children and their families by providing evidence to support health, education and community policy and planning. It is held every three years and this year will be the sixth year of data collection.
The census involves teachers of children in their first year of full-time school completing a research tool, the Australian version of the Early Development Instrument. The Instrument consist of about 100 questions and collects data relating to five key areas of early childhood development referred to as ‘domains’, these include:
Data is collected for individual children and reported for groups of children at a community, state/territory and national level.
For more information: Australian Early Development Census (aedc.gov.au)
All Prep families have been sent information about the AEDC for 2024. Please contact Mrs Pittman or your classroom teacher if you have any questions regarding this national data collection.
School photo day is on Wednesday 8th May and students are to wear correct uniform on the day.
A catch up day for absent students will be held at a later date.
To purchase photos of your child/ren you will need to order through MSP Photography, via your COMPASS portal. The office will not be accepting orders or monies.
Should families have any queries regarding the ordering process, please don’t hesitate to contact MSP Photography.
Make snappy, online payments in minutes with our online platform. Simply:
Friendly Note: Currently, only VISA or MasterCard payments are accepted by Compass. Alternative payment options may be available at your school’s general office.
Please ensure that you label everything that your child brings to school. Lunchboxes, drink bottles and all clothing need to be clearly labelled. Lost property tubs are located in the ‘Wellbeing’ space next to the office.
This week the grade 5s and 6s took part in an incursion, “Parliament Process”. We learned about different types of government, including our local government, which is Melton Council, the Victorian State Government, and the Federal government. It was fun and educational because we did activities that helped with our learning. We listened to 6 different representatives from 6 parties including the happiness party, the environment, animal, and relaxation parties. After listening to their persuasive speeches we voted using ballot papers. After voting we took part in a role play as if we were in the real Parliament House. Some students represented the government and some represented the opposition side. Some people had parts for example, the Prime Minister, the Speaker and the Clerk and the Sargeant of Arms. Our government discussed the issue of “PE should be banned in schools. “ After hearing all the opinions of the members of parliament we took a vote and the government won. We had lots of fun and learned a lot from this valuable incursion. Written by Mayom, Tina and Ellie in 56 A
Dear Thornhill Park Primary School families,
The Smile Squad team from Western Health are coming to our school soon.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.
This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.
Sign up to Smile Squad at: https://bit.ly/smilesquadvic
OR use the below QR code:
Please complete and submit the consent form by 30/04/2024
(The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages).
Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?
No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.
The Western Health Smile Squad look forward to seeing you soon ?
Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.
If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify school as soon as possible on the day of absence using one of the following methods:
Schools need to know when and why a child is absent and you need to know if your child isn’t at school.
If your child is absent on a particular day and you have not contacted the school to explain why, the absence will be marked as unexplained.
This system also promotes daily school attendance. Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education, they learn new things every day – missing school puts them behind.
You are legally required to ensure your child attends school every day or you must provide an explanation for their absence. You should let the school know in advance of any upcoming absences or let them know in the morning if your child won’t be at school. Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term.
Recognising great attendance and punctuality.
Our attendance target is 96%. Each week, we reward the class with the highest attendance (which includes getting to school on time!), with our school mascot, Ripwell in their classroom for the week.
Week Ending: 19th April
Congratulations to 12C who achieved over 97% attendance for our first week of term 2.
12B | TANYA SCOTT | Ayana J |
12C | MELISSA BABA | Serenity M |
12D | MATTHEW FENECH | Esmeralda G |
12E | LUCY BULL | Tommy T |
12F | AMBER LESLIE | Zoe J |
12G | SINEAD DUFFY | Rayan M |
34A | MARK MICALLEF | Akaalkirat K |
34C | SARGON BARKHO | Yovin R |
34D | KATHY ALISTE | Indy T |
34E | JULIAN CASSANO | Muhammad E |
34F | JAY SMITH | Harnoor K |
56C | ANN FABRO | Atsobel De G |
56D | SCOTT LINDSAY | Gloria T |
Gursahib PC
Achirin 12G
Dion 34F
Tarson 12H
Priscilla 12C
Kaiya 56D
Angad 12B
Agam 12C
Yahya PE
Noah 12E
Aun 56C
Rishikesh PE
Akira 12D
Iverson 12H
Samreet 34B
Ilyan PF
Olivia PF
Kyson 12C
Hoang 56A
Aisha 12B
Bor 34C
Ishi PC
Term 1 Tuesday 30th January till Thursday 28th March
Term 2 Monday 15th April till 28th June
Term 3 Monday 15th July till 20th September
Term 4 Monday 7th October till Friday 20th December
Term 2 – Commences on Monday 15th April
Wednesday 1st May – Prep Incursion – Community Role – Doctor
Thursday 2nd May – Cross Country
Wednesday 8th May – School Photo Day
Thursday 9th May – Mother’s Day Stall
Friday 10th May – Prep Incursion – Community Role – Firefighter
Thursday 16th May – Year 3 & 4 – Author Visit (2pm-3pm)
Friday 17th May – Year 3 & 4 – Immigration Museum Excursion
Friday 24th May – Years 3-6 School Athletics Day
Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June – Year 5/6 Swimming
Monday 10th June – King’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 12th June – Years 5 & 6 – Interschool Soccer
Friday 21st June – Year 5 & 6 – Winter Sport Lightning Cup
Friday 28th June – End of Term 2