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Thornhill Park PS Newsletter #10

15th September 2023

Our newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis and is an effective medium of informing students and parents about various school activities, achievements, and events.

We also have a Facebook page and use Compass and ClassDojo to communicate between the school, and parents, students, and staff.

Upcoming Events

Principal’s Message

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We have made it to the end of Term 3.  This year is really flying by quickly.  On behalf of all the staff at Thornhill Park PS I would like to thank everyone for your contributions to our amazing community and wish you a happy term break.  We look forward to seeing you and your children on Monday 2nd October at 8.40am.


We ask that all students have a school hat for term 4.  Hats area available from our uniform supplier at Dobsons.  Any students who do not have a hat in Term 4 will be asked to sit in the shade during play times.  This summer promises to be a hot one, so this is a very important item for your children to have.  You may also want to consider packing a small sunscreen bottle or sunglasses to further protect your children from the sun.  Please write your child’s name clearly on all items.

Uniform defects

We have noticed that the hoodies have some of the logos falling off.  Please take your hoodie to the uniform shop if this is the case and they will put on a new logo for you.

Class requests for 2024

We are now starting the process for creating grade lists for 2024.  If you feel your child would benefit from extra consideration based on academic or wellbeing grounds, please write a letter and address it to the Principal.  Requests to have or not have specific teachers will not be entertained.  Requests will need to be in by the end of week 2 in term 4 or they will not be considered, as the grade creation process is very complex and requires careful consideration.  Please understand that we take the utmost care in ensuring we are catering to the needs of every child when creating classes.

Car parking

Thank you to those parents who continue to stay out of the car park during pick up and drop off.  It is important that you continue to follow this rule as it keeps our community safe as they walk through the car park with their children.

Term 4 events

There will be a number of community based events taking place in term 4.  We encourage you to take part in as many as you can to help develop the community culture here in Thornhill Park.

New Year 3/4 class

We have created and are introducing a new class in Year 3/4 to start in Term 4.  Mr Smith will be taking this class.  Ms Baba and Mrs Cornock/Mr Luca’s classes will be moving to the portables to ensure there is enough space for our new grades.

End of year raffle donations

If you own or work at a business and can donate prizes to our end of year raffle we would be very grateful.  We hope to have a number of large prizes on offer and we are relying on connections in the community to make this happen.  If you are able to help, please see the office.


Stay safe and enjoy the holidays

Darryl Spiteri


From the Office

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A reminder that when students return on-site next term, they’ll be required to wear their hats for outdoor activities, this includes recess, lunch and Physical Education lessons. (From September 1st – April 30th is when the average UV alert is 3 and above.) The holidays may be a good time to check children’s school bags or wardrobes for hats.

Prepare for Summer and Thunderstorm Asthma Season

There are important steps that can be taken to ensure students are sun smart and safe at school. UV radiation is at its highest from mid-August to April and peaks during school hours. Schools are required to have measures in place to manage extreme heat and provide sun and UV protection. Extreme heat or a heatwave is a period of unusual and uncomfortable hot weather that can negatively affect health.
Asthma and hay fever symptoms increase every year between October and December. There is also the chance of an epidemic thunderstorm asthma event during grass pollen season. Increased risk of thunderstorm asthma can occur in people with:
• Asthma
• A past history of asthma
• Undiagnosed asthma
• Hay fever, who may not have asthma
• Poor control and self-management of asthma
To be sun smart and safe there are three important steps to take. These are:
1. Extreme heat and sun protection (hats, sunscreen, clothing, drink water, be outdoor in the coolest part of the day).
2. Thunderstorm asthma preparation (asthma medication easily accessible, avoid outside between October and December
especially if windy; asthma action plans and allergy plans if required,
3. Thunderstorm asthma event alerts (subscribe to the Prepare and Get Ready – Victoria Emergency to receive warnings; emergency response procedures and following individual asthma action plans as needed.)

Updating Student Information

It is important that the school maintain an accurate and up to date record of family/carers email, home addresses and telephone numbers for all children. Please notify the school immediately with changes to your contact details by sending an email, or phone 8764 3990

Students leaving or intending to enrol

It’s that time of the year when families and schools are planning for the next year. If your child will not be at Thornhill Park PS next year, can you please email the school.  This will help guide us for our workforce planning.
Likewise, if you have or know of a child who intends to enrol in our school, can you please enrol as soon as possible.

Our Learning

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Our Learning in Physical Education

Prep – Gymnastics

In Physical Education this term, students have been focusing on building strength, improving flexibility, and honing co-ordination through engaging gymnastic exercises and activities. Several of these activities required a collaborative approach while working with a partner or in a small group to complete a task. Students were also asked to think about their surrounds and personal space when walking, running and crawling during games to avoid contact with others.



Year 1/2 – Gymnastics

Throughout the term in Physical Education, students have been learning about flexibility and its importance when trying to perform gymnastic positions. They were asked to rehearse a variety of gymnastic positions, which after many practice sessions, they then put a selection of these positions together to perform a mini routine. They also worked on maintaining a solid landing from a jump action and were asked to hold a strong balance when walking or crawling.



Year 3/4 – Athletics

In Physical Education this term, students participated in School Athletic try outs which saw them participate in a range of events such as: shot put, discus, high jump, triple jump, long jump and track running events. Students were given multiple practice sessions on each discipline.

Students also worked on improving their individual fitness by joining in on more intense warmups.


Year 5/6 – Athletics

Throughout Term 3 in Physical Education, students participated in School Athletic try outs which saw them participate in a range of events such as: shot put, discus, high jump, triple jump, long jump and track running events. Students were given multiple practice sessions on each discipline and were encouraged to tackle something new.

Students also worked on improving their overhand throwing, catching, two handed strike technique, bowling and base running by playing modified T-Ball and Cricket games.

Divisional Athletics

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Results from Western region Divisional Athletics on Thursday 7th Sep

9/10G relay 2nd (apparently very close to 1st place)

Skyla Berryman

Harleen Kaur

Evangeline Pole

Mya Berryman

9/10G 100m

Skyla Berryman 1st

9/10B 100m                9/10B 200m

Jesiah Ewudo 3rd        Jesiah Ewudo 1st

9/10G 200m

Skyla Berryman 1st

Mya Berryman 2nd

11B Discus
Shadrach Doegoliah 3rd

11G 200m

Watchen Jarue 5th

A big congratulations to all participants for their achievements in their chosen events as well as for representing our school in a positive manner by demonstrating the school values.


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Introducing the School Leaders

Year 5 & 6 Class Captains

Hi, my name is Chiqueeta.  I’m the class captain of 5/6A.  I go to SRC (School Representative Council) meetings to help and plan out fun activities like discos, lolly jar competition, and colouring.  I enjoy being a class captain because I get a say in school activities and get to speak at assembly.  I like playing basketball with my friends.  My favourite subject is P.E. and Art and I enjoy taking part in any sports.

Chiqueeta, 5/6A 


Hello, my name is Jasmeen and I am the class captain of 5/6B.  I am currently in year 6.  Being class captain makes me feel like I am capable of doing things.  In my free time I enjoy playing sports such as netball, drawing and playing games.  I really enjoy doing leadership jobs.  As a class captain following all our school’s values is very important.  Leaders should be Respectful, Responsible, Wellbeing and you should show Integrity.  Thank you so much for reading my speech about being class captain.  I hope you have a magnificent day.

Jasmeen, 5/6B 


Hello! My name is Sophia, I’m the new classroom 56C class captain and in grade 6. You may know me from the school YouTube video, being in the school Band or even the tall girl that does the screen in assembly. I love any subject in school and when I’m home I love to binge on Disney+, talk to my friends, drawing/sketching and sleeping. You’ll find me at the back of the soccer pitch talking to my friends, getting hugged by my prep-2 friends, in the classroom at band or setting up the assembly. I love being at the school due to the fun activities that my teachers set up and the enjoyable breaks we have. I hope you enjoy the rest of the school year!

Sophia, 5/6C  


Mental Health & Wellbeing

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Breakfast Basics

It can be tough to get kids fueled up in time for school, childcare, or a day of play. But a good breakfast is important. Here’s how to make a healthy breakfast part of your morning routine.

Why Bother With Breakfast?

Breakfast is a great way to give the body the refueling it needs. Kids who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier overall and are more likely to be physically active — two great ways to help maintain a healthy weight.

Skipping breakfast can make kids feel tired, restless, or irritable. In the morning, their bodies need to refuel for the day ahead. Their mood and energy can drop by midmorning if they don’t eat something for breakfast.

Breakfast may help keep kids’ weight in check. Breakfast kick-starts the body’s metabolism, the process by which the body converts the fuel in food to energy. And when the metabolism gets moving, the body starts burning calories. And some studies suggest that bodies burn calories better in the morning than late at night.

People who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight because they may:

  • Snack more often throughout the day.
  • Overeat at later meals.
  • Eat late at night.

Breakfast Brain Power

It’s important for kids to have breakfast every day, but what they eat in the morning is important too. To boost nutrition, choose breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fruits or vegetables, and protein while low in added sugar. Eating breakfast:

  • helps kids get more fibercalcium, and other important nutrients
  • can help kids do better in school
  • improves memory and attention, which kids need to learn

Breakfast eaters get better grades and score higher on standardised tests. And kids who participate in school lunch programs have fewer absences from school.

Free Fruit Days

At Thornhill Park Primary School, we offer free fruit each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.  Students are welcome to grab some fruit for breakfast, or for recess later.  Thanks to Coles Cobblebank for supporting this initiative.



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Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.

If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify school as soon as possible on the day of absence using one of the following methods:

  1. Online: log the absence directly using Compass.
  2. Telephone: the school office and let the staff know your child’s name, class, date of absences and reason.

Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.

Why do I need to notify the school if my child is absent?

Schools need to know when and why a child is absent and you need to know if your child isn’t at school.

If your child is absent on a particular day and you have not contacted the school to explain why, the absence will be marked as unexplained.

This system also promotes daily school attendance. Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education, they learn new things every day – missing school puts them behind.

 What is your responsibility?

You are legally required to ensure your child attends school every day or you must provide an explanation for their absence. You should let the school know in advance of any upcoming absences or let them know in the morning if your child won’t be at school. Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term.

Recognising great attendance and punctuality.

Our attendance target is 96%.  Each week, we reward the class with the highest attendance (which includes getting to school on time!), with our school mascot, Ripwell in their classroom for the week.

Week Ending: 8th September

Congratulations to 12D, who had the best classroom attendance for the week ending 8th September.

Week Ending: 15th September

Congratulations to 12A, who had the best classroom attendance for the week ending 15st September.


Students of the Week

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Congratulations to the following students who received awards during our assemblies!

Keep up the great work!

Students of the Week – Ending 08/09

Prep A Mrs Nicoll Hashaam H
Prep C Miss Thomas Jayda-Lee C
Prep D Ms Leslie Marcus M
Class 12A Mrs Scott Hoorain S
Class 12B Miss Afxentiou Steven T
Class 12C Mr Lindsay Zac H
Class 12D Miss Duffy Yarna H
Class 12E Miss Trigueros Vicky G
Class 34A Mr Micallef Dani E
Class 34B Miss Baba Jenny C-P
Class 56A Ms Fabbro Mary S
Class 56C Mrs Hackworthy Betty A
STEM Mrs Andersen 12E
ART Mrs Shoebridge 56A
PE Mr Ford 12D

Students of the Week – Ending 15/09

Prep A Mrs Nicoll Zikora U
Prep B Miss Belovitch Zoe J
Prep D Ms Leslie Lavanya K
Class 12A Mrs Scott Kiana R
Class 12B Miss Afxentiou Indiannah-Jade L
Class 12D Miss Duffy Raahim M
Class 12E Miss Trigeros Yovin R
Class 34A Mr Micallef Blake L
Class 56A Ms Fabbro Caleb S
Class 56B Mr Soumbassis Sahibdeep S
Class 56C Mrs Hackworthy Angaad C
STEM Mrs Andersen 56C
ART Mrs Shoebridge Prep B
PE Mr Ford 34B


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Congratulations to the following students who are celebrating a birthday in September & October!

We hope you had a lovely day!

Aarika PC

Lanston PB

Somto 5/6

Agampreet 12D

Tarj PA

Abijot PC

Gurneet 12B

Marc 34C

Oliver 12C

Manroop 12E

Arya 12A

Affan 34A

Angad 56C

Rafaan 12C

Eyad 12B

Ali 12D

Chiqueeta 5/6

Jaskiran 56B

Important Dates

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School Term 4

Monday 2nd October 2023 – Wednesday 20 December 2023

Tuesday 10th October – School Disco (Gold coin donation/Lunchtime event)

Thursday 12th October – Prep 2024 Transition – 9:00am -10:45am

Wednesday 18th October – Regional Athletics

Thursday 19th October – Year 5/6 Rugby Union (Macpherson Park)

Friday 20th October – Prep 2024 Transition – 9:00am -10:45am

Wednesday 25th October – Year 5/6 Rugby Union (Macpherson Park)

Thursday 26th October – Prep 2024 Transition – 9:00am -10:45am

Monday 6th November – Curriculum Day (Student free day)

Wednesday 6th December – Year 6 Excursion to Fun Fields

Tuesday 12th December – Prep 2024 Transition – 9:00am -10:45am

Thursday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation



School Canteen

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School Canteen – Open Tuesday’s & Thursday’s only.

We are happy to announce that the school Canteen is open and taking online orders.

You will be able to order lunches daily, order future lunches and maintain credit in your account.  This will allow you to order conveniently from home without having to search around for loose change.

To create an account and make orders please click

From the Office

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Lost Property

A reminder that students are responsible for their own belongings. Please put name labels on all clothing items, jackets, lunchboxes and drink bottles to prevent loss and reduce waste.  


Have you lost your user name or password on Compass? Please contact the office so we can assist you on 03 8764 3990.

Updating Student Information

It is important that the school maintain an accurate and up to date record of family/carers email, home addresses and telephone numbers for all children. Please notify the school immediately with changes to your contact details by sending an email, or phone 8764 3990

Students Arriving Late

At the beginning of the day students are informed of the day’s program, events and important instructions are often given. Students arriving late to school (after 8.50am) also disrupt the class they are in, as they get organised and settled for the day. Your co-operation on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 8.50am is the cut off time for late arrivals. After 8.50am students will be recorded as being late for school.  A student arriving late to school must sign in at the office and their late arrival will be recorded on the daily attendance roll. Parents/Guardians must provide a reason for their child arriving late to school.

Absence Hotline

Please call 03 8764 3990 follow the prompts to record your child’s absence.  Please say their name clearly and class.  Alternatively, you can submit an absence through Compass. 

Students Leaving Early

If you need to collect a student from school early, can you please call the office to give us time to have the student at the office for when you arrive.

Big Childcare

The Out of Hours School Care Program is organised and run by Big Childcare. Appointed supervisors/assistants conduct this at school from 6:30am-9:00am and 3:25pm-6:30pm each school day. Enrolment must be completed if you wish for your child to access this facility on a regular or casual basis and charges apply.

For more information visit or email


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