Welcome to Term 3. As always we have a lot planned for this term such as our Book Week Celebrations, Preparation for Camp and the 100 Days of Prep.
100 Days of Prep
A huge congratulations to all of our Preps who are celebrating 100 Days of Prep this week. They have grown so much in the first 2 terms and learnt a great deal to hold them in great stead for the rest of their Primary School journey. It is always wonderful to see Preps in Term 3 as they start to understand the complexities of being at school and are more connected with their routines and their peers. It is a special milestone in a student’s learning.
Safety and parking
A reminder that the safety of our students at Thornhill Park is paramount. We ask that you use the drop off and pick up zones as such to avoid cars banking up along Baxterpark Dve. We have seen wonderful examples of this at the end of last term and again last week and traffic flow has been much better as a result of this consideration. We do still have a number of parents not doing the right thing at times, which significantly affects the ability to get children to their parents safely. We would also ask that you use the designated crossings near the school and not the ‘speed bump’ as it is not a crossing point.
We have a number policies that we use that require Community Consultation. Policies are important because they guide what we do as a school and the they are the documents that help us to cope with a variety of situations. All of our policies are on our website at https://thornhillparkps.vic.edu.au/our-school/documents-policies-reports/ . We would ask that you look through the following policies if you are able and provide comment for consideration.
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Complaints Policy
- Digital Learning (Internet, Social Media and Digital Devices) Policy
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Visitors Policy
- Volunteers Policy
A form has been created at https://forms.gle/Ww6dhV1EubwWnWWM8 for you to enter in any feedback you may have. Alternatively you can also see Mr Spiteri with your feedback. Opportunities for feedback will be open until Wednesday 7th August.
Parent Opinion Survey
The Annual Parent Opinion Survey will be open soon for parents to complete feedback about our school. We would like to hear from as many parents as possible to continue to build on our wonderful school. Last year we had over 75 responses and received some wonderful feedback from parents. More information is in this edition of the newsletter and a QR code will hopefully be around the school for you to connect with when you are waiting for your children in the afternoon.
School Review
Our school will be undertaking our first review in September. The review focusses on our current practice and helps us to create a plan for the next four years at Thornhill Park Primary School. Our reviewer, Branko Lukic will work with our Senior Education Improvement Leader, Tony Simpson and our Leadership Team to ascertain what needs to be done to help our school be the best it can be. This process requires the Review Team, which also includes two Principals from other schools to analyse our teaching practice, documentation and compliance with standards. Teachers, students and parents will be invited to discuss a range of ideas and concepts with the Review Team to gain a clear picture of what happens at our school. More information will be provided closer to the date.
Have a great weekend
Darryl Spiteri
Principal – Thornhill Park Primary School