Principal’s Message

We are into the final quarter of what has been a truly fabulous first year here at Thornhill Park Primary School.  I am extremely proud of how the community has come together to form this new school that services the local area well.


A reminder that hats are required to be worn by students each day during term 4 when outside.  They need to be wide-brimmed hats and school hats are preferred.  Any children not wearing a hat are required to stay in the shaded areas of the main buildings for the duration of play time.  Hats are available for purchase from the office as well as Dobsons in Caroline Springs.


Dobsons currently has a sale of on school uniform items online.  Have a look if you are in the market to purchase some new uniform for 2024.

Approaching Children in the Yard

From time to time some of our students find themselves in challenging situations at school that involve conflict or disagreement.  We do not tolerate this behaviour at school and help students to understand their role in such situations.  Sometimes children go home and tell their parents, often very one-sided stories about things that may have occurred and parents feel it is necessary to speak directly to the children involved to assist their child.  This is never ok!  We would appreciate that if there are issues that happen between students that you speak with your child’s teacher of bring it to the attention of Mrs Payton or Mrs Pittman.  Approaching children in the yard and threatening them is unacceptable and will result in parents being issues with orders that prevent them from stepping foot on the school grounds.  These powers were introduced by the State Government in 2021 to protect communities from aggressive and antisocial behaviour.  Please continue to contribute positively to our school community.

New Year 3/4 Teacher

We welcome Jay Smith to our staff as a new 3/4 teacher.  He joins us as we have split our Year 3/4s given the growth of our school.  Students have settled well in their new classes.

Enrolments for 2024

Please ensure that if you are yet to enrol for 2024 that you do so immediately.  We are finalising grade lists and employing teachers as we speak.

Absent next week

I will be absent next week as I attend the School Sport Australia Championships for u12 Soccer in Melbourne, as I am lucky enough to be the Manager of this team.  Han Pittman will be the Acting Principal next week and Donna Payton will step into the role of Acting Assistant Principal.

Have a wonderful weekend

Darryl Spiteri


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