Our Learning in Years 1/2
Numeracy: Our Shopping Experience
To finish our Money Maths unit, the Grade 1/2s got creative! We made something to sell to our peers, and then held a market with our handmade crafts. Students were able to practise counting money and giving change, as well as show off their creations to their friends!
Students have spent the first part of Term 4 continuing to practise the Writing Process to produce their own published narrative. They have planned the characters, settings, problems and solutions to create their entertaining stories. Students looked at ways to improve their writing, by adding a ‘hook’ sentence to capture the reader’s attention. This included things like, onomatopoeia, dialogue, actions and questions.
In Reading, Grade 1/2s have been learning about synthesising and how we can change our thinking as we read. Students learned about how our knowledge of a topic grows as we read more.