Our Learning in Prep
For our Inquiry unit this term our topic of focus was ‘Community Helpers.’ As part of this unit of learning, the Prep team had organised different community helpers to come visit our cohort and run a small incursion with our Preps to expose them to what our community helpers do on a day to day basis.
Our first visitor was Dr. Tedesco from Western Health who taught us all about what doctors do to help their patients. She checked our lungs with her stethoscope, showed us how to apply a bandage and taught us how to check someone’s blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer.
Our next visit was from the Rockbank Fire brigade. The firefighters taught us all about what a fire fighter can do for our community and what the different coloured uniform means. The firefighters also taught our Preps what number to call in an emergency (000). The Preps were also able to take a look at a real-life fire truck and allow the students to have a go at shooting a fire hose.
Our most recent visit was from a group of paramedics from Caroline Springs. The paramedics taught our Preps what it is like to help keep our community members safe from all different kinds of situations. The Preps were then taken outside and shown what the inside of an ambulance looks like, what all the different equipment does to help a patient while they are taken to hospital and how the stretcher works.
The Prep Team would like to thank all the community members that took their time to come and visit Thornhill Park Primary School to make our ‘Community Helpers’ unit come to life and be as engaging as possible for our Preps.